Monday, January 2, 2012

Elizabeth the Golden Age: The Practice of England Democracy in 16th Century


Adha, Bayu Agustari. 2011. Elizabeth the Golden Age: The Practice of England Democracy 16th century
Pembimbing : 1. Dr. Hj. Kurnia Ningsih, M.A
                        2. Winda Setia Sari, S.S. M.Hum

Skripsi ini merupakan analisa film Elizabeth the Golden Age (2006) yang disutradarai oleh Shekhar Khapur. Permasalahan yang dibahas adalah Praktek nilai-nilai demokrasi yang ada di Inggris pada abad 16 dan bagaimana fiksional devices yaitu karakter dan setting melihatkan nilai-nilai demokrasi yang terjadi. Tujuan analisa ialah untuk mengungkapkan dan menjelaskan nilai-nilai demokrasi yang dilakukan di Inggris abad 16. Karakter pertama yaitu pihak monarki, kedua anggota parlemen, dan yang ketiga rakyat. Analisa ini didasarkan pada teori demokrasi, ideologi, dan diskursus. Metode yang dipakai adalah teks based dan kontek based.
Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa praktek nilai-nilai demokrasi sudah ada pada abad 16 di Inggris. Karakter pertama melihatkan demokrasi dengan memberikan kebebasan beragama kepada rakyat dan keluarga kerajaan. Selain itu, demokrasi juga terlihat dengan memberikan kebebasan berbicara kepada parlemen mengenai masalah perkawinannya dan juga masalah publik. Karakter kedua mempraktekkan nilai demokrasi dengan mengimplementasikan penegakan hukum secara tegas dan berkontribusi dalam proses pengambilan keputusan terkait masalah publik. Sedangkan karakter ketiga berpartisipasi dalam nilai-nilai demokrasi dengan menerapkan nilai-nilai kebebasan dalam bidang ekonomi, politik luar negeri dan pertahanan negara.


The writer expresses the deepest thanks to his advisors Dr. Hj. Kurnia Ningsih, M.A and Winda Setia Sari,S.S,M.Hum for the time and suggestions in order to complete the thesis.  He wants to be grateful to his examiners, Dra. An Fauzia R. Syafei,M.A, Muhd. Al-Hafizs,S.S,M.A and Delvi Wahyuni,S.S,M.A for the suggestions, critical and advises.
His thanks also goes to  the headmaster of English Department Dr. Kusni, M. Pd, Secretary of  English Department Dra. An Fauzia R. Syafei,M.A, and his academic advisor Dra. Yenni Kharti Khatib who has guided me to finish my study. His great thank also want to be shown to all of the lectures and staffs of English Department during the proccess of study.
A thousand of thanks, he addresses to  his father and mother who always give him support to face every problems and obstacles, who teach him how to be the good person and who always be patient about what he has done. For his brothers, he really appreciates to have them since they always give him spirit and happiness to finish the study
At least, he also wants to say thanks to all of his friends NK 04, NK 05, English Department students, and all members of Unit Kegiatan Kesenian UNP for discussion and experience in this University.

                                                                        Padang,  Februari 2011

                                                                                  The writer


1.1              Background of Study
England in 16th century was one of the four parts of the United Kingdom; the other three are Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. It is clear that England is not a country on its own; it is a part of the U.K. England was a monarchy for the entirety of its political existence, from its creation around 927 AD up until the 1707. Monarchy is a supreme power to rule a country held by one person; King or Queen. For ages, England has been led by the kingdom without Prime Minister.
In managing England, the King or Queen cooperates with parliament to decide public policies for its citizen. According to Bunting (2010), Parliament in England is a governing body which consists of   House of Lords and House of Commons. House of Lords is the upper house consisting of nobles. This house has 65 members. House of Commons is the Lower House, consisting of 2 representatives from every county, city or town (similar to House of Representatives). It is expected that the parliament will give the advice and consult to the Kingdom regularly to improve the country.
England experienced the monarchy system in medieval and renaissance age. Kirby (2000) stated that in medieval age England was led by some Kings from different Houses or dynasties. They are House of Wessex, House of Denmark, House of Normandy, House of York, house of Lancaster, and House of Pentagenet. Meanwhile, in renaissance age England was led by some Kings and Queens from House Tudor. Medieval age witnessed many battles and the enforcement of thrones as a result of competition of dynasties. It makes the concentration of the kingdom just focus on the power or to defense the power. On the other hand renaissance age was better than it was in medieval age since it has only one dynasty: Tudor dynasty.
History recorded the medieval age is the age of darkness in Europe, including England. It was caused by the absolute power of the kingdom and unstoppable war between kingdom dinasties. The power of King is very absolute in ruling the country. For instance, even though parliament has right against the kingdom; mostly parliament is entirely controlled by the kingdom. The citizens also can do nothing against the will of the kingdom since they have less access and power for it. This power really makes the citizen under pressure especially in expressing their thought.  According to Anderson (1984:323), the King or Queen often associated himself or herself with God. It will make the king was unpreventable in doing everything without intervention.
To prevent the power of Kingdom, there is an ideology and value which is called Democracy. In free encyclopedia (2006), Scott stated
Democracy emphasizes the protection of the rights and freedoms of individuals and it became a way of life, with widespread social, economic and political equality. Democracy requires designing a set of arrangements through which each person’s preferences will have equal weight in determining the ultimate decision.

This aspect of democracy is valuable because it corresponds to a society in which open and uncensored debate leads to the formation of individual and collective preferences and embodies the ideas of democratic equality among citizens. It is clearly that democracy provides better representation and more freedoms for their citizens than others.
Democracy can be a system and a value or ideology. Democracy as the system is a political form of government in which governing power is derived from the people, by consensus and elected representatives of the people. In direct democracy, It must have president election and political party. Then, democracy as the value has the purpose to have prosperity and justice to all people without subordination to a certain people. Democracy value identified equality and freedom  as important characteristics of democracy. These principles are reflected in all citizens being equal before the law and having equal access to power.
England in the 16th century still used the governance monarchy system and it is impossible democracy existed as the system. However, democracy may occur in England even in 16th century as the values or ideas in the hand of Queen Elizabeth. The practices can be viewed on the freedom and equality between monarchy, parliament, and citizens. The record of democracy life in England is also explored by literary works, in this case the script of film “Elizabeth the golden age” directed by Sekhar Kapur. By investigating the history of England in 16th century in this film, there are some practices of democracy that can be seen on it. This film is an effective media to demonstrate the practice of England democracy in 16th century.
1.1.1.      England in 16th Century
 16th century (1500-1600) is popular as the renaissance era in Europe and certainly for England. According to North (1998:4) renaissance spirit was spread by Dante in Italy for the first time, Renaissance offered some changes for the civilization by learning the manuscripts made by Greek ancient such as science, art, literature, and philosophy. The discovery of these classical models results the statement “the revival of learning”. As a result, human realized that they have power on their mind or man discovered themselves and the universe and also man so long blinded hade suddenly open their eyes and seen. Along with the revival of learning, new discoveries took place in several fields. Vasco da Gama circumnavigated the earth; Columbus discovered America; Copernicus discovered the Solar System and prepared the way for Galileo, and books were printed.
Renaissance began in England from the early 16th century to the early 17th century. At that time, England led by King Henry VII, King Edward IV, Mary I, and Queen Elizabeth. This was popular as the Elizabethan era for Queen Elizabeth took throne the kingdom in 1558-1603.  This movement focused interest on the proper study of humankind had a number of subordinate trends. The first importance was the rediscovery of the classical antiquity, and particularly of ancient Greece. During the medieval period, European tradition had forgotten the liberal tone of old Greek world and its spirit of democracy and human dignity. With the revival of interest in Greek classical Antiquity, the new spirit of humanism made its impact on the western world. 
 England experienced some necessary histories especially in the hand of Queen Elizabeth (1558-1603). Mullik (1969) stated, in Elizabethan era England reached some achievements, one or them is the success of England to change feudal economic system to capitalism system. Feudal system gives the landlord the profit by owning the land. As a result, the labor does not take the advantages from their work because the landlord just gives a little share. To solve this problem Queen Elizabeth erased this system by deleting the owning of the landlord and develop capitalism system. This system gives opportunity to each individual to look for profit and release the dependency to the landlord because capitalism system permits the freedom for every person. This freedom at list supports the development of England in economic. The great advancement was reached when England found colony in America and getting some commodities to improve England economy.
The successful event in Elizabethan era is the victory toward Spain. It is the beginning of England flourishing in Europe and the darkness of Spanish history. This event was begun by Spain king Philip II who is fanatic to catholic religion. His wishes are to make all Europe counties obey Spain and catholic. His fanatic led him to declare war to protestant country like England. The Queen Elizabeth in this event brilliantly took the offering of King Philip II to run the war between those two countries. Even though Spain attacked England as the war of religion between Catholic and Protestant, Queen Elizabeth was not influenced by the issue. She explained to their citizens that this war is not between religions but between countries. She also did not discriminate catholic people in England even though she herself is a protestant. Elizabeth and her people were working hard together to win the war toward Spain and succeed. This victory led England as the strongest country in the world.
            The achievement of England in 16th century in the case of colonization is establishing the colony in the land of America. The competition to get this land was so tight between Portuguese, Spain, and England. This exploration to America was designed to have the sources to improve economic strength and to begin the establishment of colony in 16th century or in Elizabethan era. The efforts of England were quite satisfying; England succeeds to get the sources like tobacco and potato in order to bring them to England. The colony was established, one of the colony in Virginia. It is named because the Queen Elizabeth was virgin or not married. This activity indicates the freedom to spread the influence of the country in international world. It contains democracy values which is the freedom of foreign politic activity. This achievement slowly made England became a flourish country with many colonies.
England is also successful to develop government system at this time. England of Elizabeth was a very structured place and had a rather complicated system. The control of country is not only in the hand of monarch but also the parliament and its government bodies in each place. The monarch was not above the law, but had to act in accordance with it. The law was still passed by Queen Elizabeth and she could decide the religion of country. She decided what the parliament could discuss, war policy, and decision about welfare and education.  Parliament as the representative of the people also has the duty to pas the law and implemented the law. This duty was proved when Mary Stuart was executed, even though she is Elizabeth niece.
Queen Elizabeth is viewed as the Successful leader in religion matter. Religion is a sensitive problem for many countries and mostly the countries in Europe forces one religion to the society. For instance, Queen Isabella has killed many Jews and Muslim in Spain. England also did the same things in the hand of King Edward IV and Mary I. On the other hand, England of Elizabeth practiced the tolerance on religion and it is without conflict. She was success to press the conflict between religions so that there is no civil war at that time. According to Hart (1978) conflict between religions really makes Elizabeth in a dangerous situation, in 1570 Paus Pius V asked her to release the throne of England and in 1580 Paus Gregory XIII announced that it is not a sinful to kill Elizabeth. During this age, protestant was scared to face the movement of catholic in England and Europe, but Elizabeth can solve this problem.  
1.1.2.      The Practice of England Democracy in 16th Century
Democracy is the ideology which contains the idea of freedom and equality. Aristotle stated that democracy is freedom, since only in a democracy the citizens can have a share in freedom. In essence, he argues that this is what every democracy should make its aim. There are two main aspects of freedom: being ruled and ruling in turn, since everyone is equal according to number, not merit, and to be able to live as one pleases. It is obvious that equality and freedom have been identified as important characteristics of democracy since ancient times. These principles are reflected in all citizens being equal before the law and having equal access to power. Meanwhile in free encyclopedia (2006), the word practice (verb form in British English) is the act of rehearsing a behavior over and 1over, or engaging in an activity again and again, for the purpose of improving or mastering it, as in the phrase "practice makes perfect". It can be defined that the practice of democracy is the activity of one country to have the government system by the power of the people which will be done regularly to improve the country.
England is part of United Kingdom and 16th century is the age which most of the country in the world had an absolute kingdom. England has a heritance system of kingdom that still exists until present. Before 18th century, England has no prime minister but led by the king or queen. As the kingdom, England may have an absolute power in ruling the country because mostly the kingdom treated absolute power to the citizens. Meanwhile in 16th century, monarchist system dominated the system of government in Europe. It can be seen in 16th century there were still the weaknesses of the people to the power of kingdom. It is clear that England can not practice the democracy as the system. However, democracy values can be seen in the practice of Elizabeth regime. By doing the research in film elizabeth the golden age we can see the practice of democracy values in England at 16th century.
The practice of democracy values in England at 16th century in this analyses deals with the activity of England as the kingdom country in practicing democratic life in the context of that century. It is interesting because England is a kingdom country which absolute power makes democracy difficult to be practiced. Another thing is that the age of 16th century, democracy was not very popular and it is difficult to find democracy practice since it is popular in 20th century. However, the film “Elizabeth the golden age” directed by Sekhar Kapur exposed the practice of England democracy in 16th century.
1.1.3.      Brief of Sekhar Khapur
Shekhar Kapur was born in India at December 6th 1951. For the first time, he really wanted to pursue a career in show business, but he studied business in order to please his parents. Then immigrating to Great Britain, he spent several years working as an accountant and management consultant before he capitulated and answered the siren call of 'Bollywood'. Returning to Bombay, Kapur embarked on a career as a print model and performer. Abandoning acting, Kapur moved to the director's chair with the coming-of-age tale "Masoom/Innocent" (1983). Kapur then spent the better part of the 1980s and early 90s churning out Spielbergian family films like "Mr. India" (1987). He briefly ventured before the camera again to act in "Drishti" in 1990 but he found a much more comfortable role as host of the British TV series "On the Other Hand" (Channel 4), which examined issues pertinent to the immigrant communities of the United Kingdom. Kapur achieved international attention and courted controversy with his breakthrough feature "Bandit Queen" (1994). That film is based on the true story of Phoolan Devi, a female brigand who spent five years on the run from authorities and became a popular folk hero with lower-caste Indians.
During his life, Sekhar Khapur has gained some awards. In 1983 he won the best film in filmfare award with his first film as director “Basoom”. His controversial film “Bandi Queen” (1994) got awards; those are the best film and the best director in filmfare awards. Then in 1998, when his first historical film “Elizabeth” was published internationally, he got attention from international by getting awards as Best International Feature Film or Video in Atlantic Film Festival, the best Foreign Film (Ausländischer Film) in Guild of German Art House Cinemas, and Best Director in National Board of Review awards, USA. As an Indian director, he has gained special awards as an Outstanding Indian Achievement in World Cinema in filmfare award.
Khapur’s current film is Elizabeth the golden age which was released in 2007. This film is the continuity of his successful film “Elizabeth”. Elizabeth the golden age has got nominated and awards. In academy awards, Sant Jordi Awards and Satellite Award, this film got nominated and won the award as the best costume design and art production. Another award has been got from Australian Film Institute as the best actress and got nominated from Golden Globes, USA, Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards, BAFTA Awards, and Art Directors Guild, Costume Designers Guild Award, David di Donatello Awards, Empire Awards, UK, Irish Film and Television Awards, and Screen Actors Guild Awards. Besides getting some awards, this film got many critics. Historian Franco Cardini of the University of Florence (2007), alleged 'the film formed part of a "concerted attack on Catholicism, the Holy See and Papism" by an alliance of atheists and "apocalyptic Christians"'. 'Why put out this perverse anti-Catholic propaganda today?”.
1.1.4.      Elizabeth the Golden Age: The Practice of Democracy in England values at 16th Century
The film “Elizabeth the Golden Age” (2006) reflects the practice of democracy values in England at 16th century. Those practices are represented by the participation of kingdom or monarch, parliament, and the citizen. Each participant gives contribution to form England to have a democracy.
 The film “Elizabeth the Golden Age” (2006) reflects the practices of democracy in England at 16th century. Those practices are represented by the participation of kingdom or monarch, parliament, and the citizen. Each participant gives contribution to form democracy in England. The participation of the monarch is represented by Queen Elizabeth in establishing religious freedom and the freedom of speech. The participation of the parliament is represented by the Member of Parliament itself in discussing public policy and law enforcement. Meanwhile the participation of citizen is represented by Sir Walter Raleigh. He participates in term of economy, foreign politic and country defense.
Elizabeth as the character in this analyses participates in practicing some democracy values in England. Those can be seen in her policy to give the freedom of religion and speech. The freedom of religion is given to citizens and monarchy family. It can be seen in her utterances which emphasizes that people can not be punished because of the religion, but the crime. The setting refers to the situation and atmosphere of England influences Elizabeth to practice it. The situation was the existence both Catholic and protestant in England at 16th century and the atmosphere of renaissance which focuses on humanism also influences her to give the freedom of religion. Another participation of democracy, she gives the freedom of speech to parliament related to Queen’s marriage and public matters. In the case of private matter, the setting refers to her condition which is single. The parliament is given the freedom of speech by proposing some candidates for her. In the case of public matters, the setting refers to the attack by Spain. The parliament is given the freedom of speech by contributing idea, prediction, and strategy.
          Parliament’s members as the character participate to form democracy by practicing law enfor
cement and discussing public policy. In the case of law enforcement, parliament strongly implements 
the law without hesitation. Some monarchy families were punished as the effect of effective 
implementation of law enforcement. The setting refers to the atmosphere of England. 
At that time, there were many assassinations planning to Elizabeth. Therefore, the parliament 
practiced law enforcement without excuse. In discussing public policy, parliament members actively 
precede in making decision related to foreign policy. They propose ideas, predictions, and strategy 
to face the problem. This process indicates the strong commitment of the parliament to have a good 
decision for England. Both law enforcement and discussing public policy are democracy idea which 
contains freedom and equality.
            The citizen practices democracy values in term of economy, politic, and country defense. 
It is represented by the character Sir Walter Raleigh. In term of economy, he gets goods and gold 
with his own effort. It proves individual freedom to determine his life in economy aspect. The setting 
refers to England condition which has fewer natural resources. In term of foreign politic, 
he participates in establishing colony. He did it to spread England’s influence in the world. 
It emphasizes the freedom of individual in foreign politic to improve the image of England as the big 
nation. In defending country, he is ready to take a part to fight even though he is not the warrior. 
It is clear that the citizens in England participate in forming democracy.
1.2              Problem of Study
There are many cases that can be explored in Sekhar Khapur’ film Elizabeth the Golden Age (2006). Democracy appears as one of the issues in the character and setting. In this film, the characters are represented by Queen Elizabeth, Parliament, and Citizens. They contribute each other to have the practice of England democracy in the context of 16th century. In order to disclose the practice of England Democracy in 16th century, research questions are needed. Those research questions are:
1.      How far does film Elizabeth the golden age disclose the issue of  the practice of England Democracy in 16th century
2.      To what extent do fictional devises; characters and setting give contribution to disclose the practice of England Democracy in 16th century
1.3.            Purpose of Study
This study is intended to disclose the practice of England Democracy in 16th Century in the film Elizabeth the Golden Age (2006) directed by Sekhar Khapur. It is going to investigate to what extent the fictional devices, which are characters and setting, give contribution in disclosing the practice of England democracy in 16th century.
1.4.            Previous Study
The analysis about this film that focuses on the issue of the practice of democracy in England at 16th century has not been found yet. However, there are some studies that have given inspiration and contribution in analyzing this film.
The first analyses of this film is taken from Dr Ben Goldsmith AFTRS Screen studies lecturer analyses Elizabeth: The Golden Age from the perspective of the filmmaker’s use of light (2007). This analyses focuses on how lighting is reflected, what it means symbolically and metaphorically, what it illuminates, what its absence foretells. In his analyses, he describes the meaning of light by interpreting the light around the characters. Every scenes of the character is analyzed, it can be the lighting of setting, costume, and face of the character. The theory of studies is referred to De Seassure classic statement of semiotic principles, signifier and signified in a relationship as close as "two sides of a piece of paper." It can be seen in the analyses of light between Spanish and English that shows the battle between them; Elizabeth dresses in starched lace with white maribou feathers in her hair, or in sumptuous red, green and purple silk damask, satin and velvet, with high, stiff lace ruffs like halos offset with silver, crystals and pearls signify the triumph of England and The Spaniards and their co-conspirators by contrast dress in black and seek the shelter of shadows signify the collapse of Spanish armada. There are wonderful notes and images about the costumes and sets on the film
Another analysis that gives contribution to this study is written by Mohamad Saleeh Rahamad entitled the image of Subaltern, comprador, and Ambivalence in Jong Chian Lai Novels. He analyses some characters and settings in the novels and then classify them into certain groups; subaltern, comprador, and ambivalence. Jong Chain Lai novels recorded the colonization age in Malaysia.  Mohamad Saleeh Rahamad explained the condition of colonized people as subaltern since they got oppressed and cheated by capitalist in their land. By using Gramsci idiom, he stated the subaltern group as oppressed, dominated, and exploited and having less of class consciousness. Comprador is described in the character as native that has education, riches, and wants to be recognized as the colonizer. He/she does the oppression the other natives and seems like having legacy heritance from dominant group (colonizer). It is derived from Franz Fanon mimicry idiom; “black skin, white mask”. Meanwhile ambivalence is described as the characterization between accepting and refusing the colonization. Referring to Freud’s clinical studies; ambivalence is in between derided and desired. The character sometimes accepts colonizer ways; using machine Shaw in cutting trees, but sometimes refuses by still declaring the colonizer as the enemy. 
            Those two analyses have contributed to deliver the issue of the practice of democracy in England at 16th century. In the first analyses, the author the interpretation and analyses of film Elizabeth the golden age on filmmaker perspective in the use of light. Meanwhile, in my analyses the object of study is the script of flim Elizabeth the Golden Age. The second analyses, by analyzing characters and settings the writer can classify them into a certain group or class. It has similarity with my analyses; it is the the fictional devises which are character and setting.
1.5.            Theoretical Framework
The analysis of this film deals with democracy practice, ideology and discourse. It attempts to explain the relationship between them. According to Scott in free encyclopedia (2006), the first principle of democracy is that all members of the society (citizens) have equal access to power and the second that all members (citizens) enjoy universally recognized freedoms and liberties. It is obvious that democracy is one of the ideologies since it has the principle or idea. The leader of country can influence the people with his/her ideology since ideology is a set of aims and ideas that directs one's goals, expectations, and actions.
Ideology can be represented by the speaker, writer, listener, or reader. Furthermore, those text and conversation is the ideology practice or the reflection of a certain ideology. As pointed by van Dijk (1997:25), text and conversation essentially serves as the medium by which ideologies are persuasively communicated in society, and there by helps reproduce power and domination of specific groups or classes. It is clear ideology can serve the function in establishing the identity of one group and differentiate it with others.
In order to spread the influence, ideology (democracy) needs to be practiced. The practice as the act of improvement can be done by participation of each group participant (in this case kingdom, parliament, and citizen). The participation in spreading ideology (democracy) can be run through the action or statement or it is known as the discourse. According to Eriyanto (2001) Discourse is the application of using language since the language is the central aspect of subject description and through the language ideology is caught. It is the tool in practicing democracy for discourse is viewed as something that has the purpose, whether influencing, debating, persuading, arguing, reacting, and others. Discourse is not something natural, but contains an ideology in dominating and influencing. It is obvious that the discourse is the effort in communicating a certain meaning from the subject by uttering the statement. Discourse can be observed in the use of spoken, written and sign language and multimodal/multimedia forms of communication, and is not found only in "non-fictional" or verbal materials, but it can be found in non verbal and action as well.  The role of discourses in wider social processes of legitimating and power, emphasizing the construction of current truths, how they are maintained and what power relations they carry with them. By analyzing what is written, spoken or acted, the democracy can be seen through it.
            To support the explanation above, this analysis is done by examining two elements of fiction, character and setting. A character is a person presented in dramatic or narrative work, and characterization is the process by which a writer makes that character seems real to the reader or audience. According to Guerin (1999) in analyzing the character is not merely to know the good and the bad character. It means in analyzing the fiction through the eyes of character, it is also done by observing out the role of the character itself. In film Elizabeth the Golden Age, the characters which are analyzed are the Monarch, (Queen Elizabeth), Parliament members, and citizens. It is not only about protagonist or antagonist but also observing the character’s speech, what characters do, and interaction with other characters.
            Another vital element of the story to reveal the meaning is setting. Setting is the location and the atmosphere of the story. Its most important function is to make us feel present in the character inhabit. The setting is not only about the place but also includes time period, historical as well as the social, political, and may be the spiritual realities. In Elizabeth the Golden Age’s film, the setting is in England and Spain in 16th century. It is the age where some European countries had the completion to approve which is the strongest country; it includes the real war between them or even the competition in exploring the world. Another thing that has to be considered, 16th century is the age of religion flaming between catholic and protestant. Moreover, setting is a work natural, manufactured, political, and temporal environment of character.

1.6.            Methodology
This analysis is mainly done through the text-based approach. Through text based approach, it is done by examining and analyzing fictional devices within the story. Setting and character are the most important elements that give much contribution in the analyses. It is also necessary to interpret the text within its context. Analyzing the context involves examining the place, time, and phenomenon that surrounding the story when it is occurred.


The film “Elizabeth the Golden Age” (2006) reflects the practices of democracy in England at 16th century. Those practices are represented by the participation of kingdom or monarch, parliament, and the citizen. Each participant gives contribution to form democracy in England. The participation of the monarch is represented by Queen Elizabeth in establishing religious freedom and the freedom of speech. The participation of the parliament is represented by the Member of Parliament itself in discussing public policy and law enforcement. Meanwhile the participation of citizen is represented by Sir Walter Raleigh. He participates in term of economy, foreign politic and country defense.

2.1.    The Participation of the Monarch

Queen Elizabeth I as the character practiced democracy by giving religious freedom to her citizens and monarchy family. Religious freedom is the main important thing in practicing democracy. It is considered by many people and nations to be a fundamental human right. It is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or community in public or private area, to manifest religion or belief education, daily life, party, and others. The concept then is generally aimed to include the freedom to change, not to follow, to leave or discontinue membership in a religion or religious group.
Queen Elizabeth as the Protestant in 16th century practices the idea of freedom of religion by respecting catholic activities in England. It can be seen in her dialogue with parliament

              If any of my people break the                                                                                               
              law, they will be punished. Until
              that day, I wish them to be let                          
              them alone.                                              
              Until the day they rise in                               
              rebellion! Majesty, we have
              proven reason to fear every
              Catholic in the land -
              Fear creates fear, sir. I will
              not punish my people for their
              beliefs. Only for their deeds.
                am assured that the people of
              England love their Queen. My
              constant endeavour is to earn
              that love.
              (page. 6)
The quotation above shows the principle that having a different religion can not be defined as a crime. 
Having one religion is not the crime since the religion is the personal matter for everyone. The sentence  
If any of my people break the law, they will be punished emphasizes the equality treatment to all 
people for their fault, not because of their religion. It is clear that she gives the freedom to her citizens
to be practiced whatever the religion they have since they do not break the law of the country. Thus, 
the religion does not influence the social position of someone in the law implementation. They have the
 freedom to determine what they believe and they will not be punished for what they believe. 
Furthermore, the utterance I will not punish for their beliefs. Only for their deeds, indicates that 
someone will be executed for his/her fault in breaking the law and not because his/her religion. It is 
obvious that she respects her citizen’s religion. All practices of religion are allowed and legal since 
those are not the crime in England’s law. It has the idea of democracy which are freedom and equality.
The Queen also practices the freedom of religion to Monarchy environment, particularly to Queen Mary Stuart. In Elizabeth era, Queen Mary, her cousin was sentenced to prison not because she was catholic, but her crime. It proves her democracy idea to differentiate religion and law. It can be caught up in the script
          The Queen has been attacked -
          The assassin seized -
          The Queen unharmed -
          And you, ma'am, are under arrest.
          Me? What has any of this to do
          with me?
                     P AULET
          That's the trouble with intrigue,
          isn't it? With so many secrets,
          you can never quite tell who's on
          who's side, until the game ends.
He takes the hollow bung out of one pocket and admires it.
          My own invention. Theatrical, but
          effective. My master has every
          letter you've written.
          Your master?
          (page. 82-83)
The quotation reflects religion freedom. Mary Stuart was arrested after the evidence was found. Before 
she was proven in doing crime, she was freely living in England as the Catholic. It indicates that the 
religion freedom is given to her. It seems that there is no restriction or oppression from Elizabeth for 
catholic in monarchy family. She strongly believes that it is not the reason to eliminate Mary Stuart 
because of her Catholic. She did not assume the case of having different religion in monarchy family as 
the reason for punishment.
            The condition in England at 16th century influenced Elizabeth to give the freedom of religion to 
her citizens. It was uttered in the dialogue
The Londoners on the river bank cheer and wave as the royal barge goes by.
                        HOWARD (V.O.)                                  
              Treachery, ma'am. All Catholics                          
              are traitors! Their loyalty is to                        
              the Pope of Rome.     
                        ELIZABETH (V.O.)
              How many Catholics are there in
              England, sir?
                        HOWARD (V.O.)                                  
              Immense numbers, majesty!                               
                        HATTON (V.O.)
              We believe half the nation clings                        
              to the old superstitions. 
      (Page. 5)                              
The quotation shows that the setting refers to existence of Catholic and Protestant as the religion. This 
condition mostly would make the conflict since religion is the sensitive case. This condition becomes the consideration for Elizabeth. As a result, she chooses to give the freedom for all people since it is the personal matters. If she discriminates one religion, she realized that it will be a conflict in the country. Finally, the best way to keep stability in England is giving the freedom of religion to the whole citizens. It indicates how brilliant Elizabeth handles the condition.
            Another setting in this case refers to the atmosphere of renaissance movement in England. This 
movement focuses on the study of humankind. It stimulates every person to use their mind effectively. 
It influences Elizabeth to let the people of England to think freely including the religion. It emphasizes
 that religion has to be free from intervention and restriction. The dark ages before 16th reminded a 
painful experience for citizens. At that time, religion institution held the strongest power in the country. 
As a result, the citizens were under pressured and there was no freedom. Learning from this experience, 
many people realizes that the freedom is the fundamental right. She realized the atmosphere of renaissance
 and practiced it by giving the freedom to have religion. 
    Another contribution from monarchy in forming democracy is by giving the freedom of speech for parliament and citizens. Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak freely without censorship or limitation, or both. The synonymous term of freedom of expression is sometimes used to indicate not only freedom of verbal speech but any point of view, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used. She practices this democracy value in England openly to Parliament.
            She guarantees the freedom of speech to parliament members by accepting the idea from them. Therefore, they can contribute the idea related to Queen’s marriage and public matters that will be done by her. In the case of Queen’s marriage, the parliament got freedom to speak about who would be the husband of the Queen as can be seen in this dialogue
 The people are agitated.                                 
        What people?                                             
Your bishops are preaching that                   
God is showing his displeasure-                   
the Queen being still unmarried -                 
some are saying infertile -                       
What nonsense!                                    
Dangerous nonsense. Mary Stuart
has a son -  
(Page. 6)                           
This quotation shows that the setting refers to the condition of Elizabeth who was still single. It means Elizabeth will have no generation to inherit the kingdom from her dynasty since Mary Stuart had a son. It became the concern of Parliament since Mary Stuart was disliked by English in general. The parliament member expressed the statement bravely to the Queen. It indicates the parliament has the right to remind the Queen about her unmarried.  This practice proves that the parliament can have the power with the freedom which is given by the Queen. It can be said that the freedom atmosphere (setting) is usually given by the Queen to maximize the decision making. The parliament has no doubt to enter privacy matters since it influences the situation of country. Furthermore, this freedom of speech is very useful to acknowledge the possibility that would happen. In addition, the parliament here succeeds to contribute the idea for the best of Queen’s life and England in general.
            In this case, parliament proposes same candidates for her. She welcomes parliament members’ idea by allowing them to introduce some candidate to the Queen as can be caught in the script’
A courtier is holding a portrait which he shows to the Queen.                                                       
          Francis of Valois, majesty.
          Brother to the king of France,  majesty.         
          King Erik of Sweden, majesty.                     
          What again?                                       
          Still madly in love with you.                     
          Ivan, Tsar of all the Russias,                    
          known as "The Terrible."                          
          The Archduke Charles of Austria,                  
          The younger brother of Maximilian
          II, the Holy Roman Emperor.                       
          A cousin of Philip II of Spain.                   
          He's rather sweet.
          More your age than mine, Bess.
          How old is he?
          Young... I believe, majesty. An                  
          Austrian alliance would keep
          France quiet.                                     
          And it would put Philip on a                      
    (Page. 18-19)                                          
The quotation shows the agreement from her to the parliament about the idea related to personal matters. It proved that the freedom of speech in expressing the thought in this case unmarried condition of the Queen. It is obvious she practices democracy by giving the freedom of speech to parliament in the case of Queen’s marriage.
The parliament members are certainly given the freedom of speech for public matters. Public matter is the case that would have impact to citizen, in this case foreign policy. Queen Elizabeth gives the freedom for them to find the solution in facing the problem. It can be seen in the dialogue below
          We still need to keep France out                   
          of the arms of Spain.                              
          Let me think on it.                                
              (to Howard)                                    
          What if enemy ships should sail
          up the Thames? Can the docks be
          Not closed, majesty. But the gun                   
          positions here, and here, have                     
          full command of the channel.  
          (Page. 4)                     
In this text, the setting refers to the threatening from Spain. This provokes parliament and Monarchy to have intensive discussion. They make strategy and take an action to face some possibilities. It can be emphasized that each participant gives opinion and sharing idea related to the speculation and prediction. This freedom is an effective thing to share the idea between parliament and monarchy. Through this freedom, parliament can explore the idea and possibility that would happen to England. Parliament’s statement We still need to keep France out of the arms of Spain is the strategy which is suggested by him. It indicates the freedom of speech in expressing idea to solve public matters.
Clearly, Elizabeth as the character in this analyses participates in practicing some democracy values in England. Those can be seen in her policy to give the freedom of religion and speech. The freedom of religion was given to citizens and monarchy family. It can be seen in her utterances which emphasizes that people can not be punished because of the religion, but the crime. The setting refers to the situation and atmosphere of England influences Elizabeth to practice it. The situation was the existence both Catholic and protestant in England at 16th century. Meanwhile the atmosphere of renaissance which focuses on humanism also influences her to give the freedom of religion. She gives the freedom of speech to parliament related to Queen’s marriage and public matters. In the case of private matter, the setting refers to her condition which is single. The parliament is given the freedom of speech by proposing some candidates for her. In the case of public matters, the setting refers to the attack by Spain. The parliament is given the freedom of speech by contributing idea, prediction, and strategy.

2.2.     The Participation of Parliament
Parliament members as the character have practiced some democracy values. The reasons why the parliament participates in forming democracy can be seen in their activity in law enforcement and discussing public policy intensively. Parliament enforces the law without excuse to monarchy family. Parliament has motion to practice the law without considering the social position of someone. In Elizabeth era, Parliament executed some monarchy’s family without hesitation. In this case, parliament punished Mary Stuart who is Queen Elizabeth cousin. It can be seen in the script how parliament argued it,
               Majesty, this is no time for
               mercy -
               Don't preach at me, old man. Look
               at you! You can hardly stand. Go
               home to your wife. Go home to
               your bed.
               The law must have its way. 
               (Page. 86)           
Parliament has practiced democracy which is the equality to all people. The statement Majesty, 
this is no time for mercy emphasizes how parliament serves all people into equality in the law point
 of view. Although Mary Stuart is her cousin, she must be punished by the country since she is 
involved in crime. In addition parliament stated that “the law must have its way”. It conveys the 
existence of law as a tool in ruling country including constitutional, administrative and criminal law.
         Beside executing Mary Stuart, parliament has practiced law enforcement to another monarchy 
family that is France Throckmorton. It can be seen when he was punished for assassination planning
 in the script;
CLOSE ON Throckmorton as the noose is tightened round his
neck. His face is ravaged by the tortures he's endured, but
he holds his head high, ready for death. Round him an  
  unseen crowd bays for blood.
Hang! Hang! Hang!
Lord have mercy on the soul of
your servant, who gives his life
for your eternal truth...
                                              (Page. 64)
The quotation shows how the parliament in England takes an advance action in law enforcement by 
executing Mary Stuart, the cousin of Queen Elizabeth and France Throckmorton. It proved the idea 
of democracy as the system which contains the liberty. It is the value of democracy with based on the 
principle that everyone is equal in every matter. It is clear that the parliament run the function as the 
bridge to fulfill the will of citizen by practicing the equality to all, including to monarch family. This 
practice led England to have prosperity because the success of the country does not only refer to 
economy but also in law implementation.              
          Law is an important system in actualizing institution power. It can be the main connector to 
bridge social relationship in maintaining the crime. Law rules the behavior and attitude which are not 
allowed to be done by citizens and if they break the law, they will be punished. It must be given to 
the criminals since they broke the law; they also broke morality value and social justice. It is clear
that the law has function to control the action of people in running the life within the country. It is  
very hard to implement the law to monarch family.  However, parliament has the idea of equality 
and it needs to practice without viewing the social position of someone as long as the evidence was 
          Law needs to be practiced by them not only to rule the citizens, but to protect Monarchy. It 
can be seen in the dialogue that the are some threatening to monarchy, in this case Queen Elizabeth, 
The Queen shouts at you once, and you sulk like a child. I thought you more of a man than that. And I thought you a better friend to the Queen. Her every move is watched by a hundred eyes. Assassins plot to kill her. Enemies prepare to overwhelm her country. And you say she's playing games? 
    Raleigh is watching her as she speaks, and he's impressed. Anger suits her.
Very well. What is my Queen's command?
Go to her, sir. As her friend.
(Page. 62)
The quotation shows that the setting in this case refers to the atmosphere in England. It is the threatening 
of murder for Elizabeth in England. It makes the parliament members and the Queen must be alert every 
time. They have to take decision firmly to prevent another planning to kill Elizabeth. As mentioned above
 there are many people who will kill Elizabeth such as Mary Stuart and France Throckmorton. The danger 
comes every time for Queen Security, thus they use their function to keep the Queen safe. They executed
 those people so that there would not be assassination attempt to the Queen. 
                Another practice of democracy done by parliament is discussing public policy. It can be generally 
defined as the course of action (or inaction) taken by the state with regard to a particular issue. Discussing 
public policy is a complex and multifaceted process that involves the interplay of numerous individuals and 
interest groups. The parliament uses that chance by competing and collaborating to influence policymakers 
to act in a particular way. There are three parts to public policy-making: problems, players, and the policy. 
The problem is the issue that needs to be addressed. The player is the individual or group that is influential 
in forming a plan to address the problem in question. Policy is the finalized course of action decided upon 
by the government. These use a variety of tactics and tools to advance their aims like advocating and 
attempting to influence public policy through education, lobbying, or political pressure.
`              The concept of discussing public policy refers not only to the end result of policies, but more 
broadly to the process of decision-making and analysis of governmental decisions. The parliament members, 
Howard and Hatton precede the decision making intensively with Queen:
              Be warned by the atrocities in
              France! God-fearing Christians                                                                       
              murdered by Papist cut-throats
              inflamed by hatred of the truth!                                                          
              We know the Catholics take their                         
              orders from Spain. The Spanish                           
              speak openly of Mary Stuart as                           
               Queen of England in waiting.
              Mary Stuart is a Queen cast out
              by her own ungrateful nation
              We must act, majesty. Our                                
              inaction is taken to be weakness. 
                       (Page. 4)                       
The quotation shows the element of public policy making which are problem, player, and policy. The 
problem was uttered by the parliament which is the threatening from Spain and Catholic. The players 
for this process are parliament and Queen. The decision is taking an action. Parliament explores the 
idea to give consideration with knowledge and understanding to England Queen to take an action.  
This participation shows how the parliament is not only obeying the demand of monarch but also 
contribute the idea to the monarch. 
                In making decision, as the character the parliament argued by giving logical reason, 
evidence, and knowledge in showing their opinion. It can be seen in the statement of one members  
Be warned by the atrocities in France shows parliament knowledge about what happen in France 
and it needs to be the consideration for England since both countries have the same case. In addition, 
parliament makes the function by giving alert of warning to the monarchy. It is clearly stated when 
Howard (one of parliament members) said We know the Catholics take their orders from Spain. 
The Spanish speak openly of Mary Stuart as Queen of England in waiting. Parliament actively 
stimulates the Queen about what case which needs to be considered, it can be seen in his statement  
we must act Majesty. Our inaction is taken to be a weakness. The process of discussing and 
decision making above implies the democratic atmosphere in England (setting). Parliament and the 
Queen openly explored their idea to take decision for the country. 
                Briefly, parliament members participate to form democracy. They practices law 
enforcement and discussing public policy. In the case of law enforcement, parliament strongly 
implements the law without hesitation. Some monarchy families were punished as the effect of 
effective implementation of law enforcement. The setting refers to the atmosphere of England. 
At that time, there were many assassinations planning to Elizabeth. Therefore, the parliament 
practiced law enforcement without excuse. In discussing public policy, parliament members 
actively precede in making decision related to foreign policy. They propose ideas, predictions, 
and strategy to face the problem. This process indicates the strong commitment of the parliament 
to have a good decision for England. Both law enforcement and discussing public policy are 
democracy idea which contains freedom and equality.
2.3.     The Participation of citizens
The participation of citizens is represented by Sir Walter Raleigh. As the character, he participates in term of economy, politic, and country defense. In term of economy, Sir Walter Raleigh as the character searches goods and gold by exploring the new world (America). His participation proved his independency as the citizen. This economy activity emphasizes democracy which is the individual freedom. It can be seen in her dialogue with Queen Elizabeth
          I also come bearing gifts for
          your majesty, from the New World.
          Let's see, shall we?
               to Raleigh)
          What do you bring me?
          Mud, and leaves.
          Mud and leaves?
          Patata, majesty. You eat it. Very
          Tobacco. You breathe its smoke.
          Very stimulating.
              (to Raleigh)
          Gold. You spend it. Very
         (Page. 23-24)
The quotation above shows the independence of Walter Raleigh in doing economy activity. Patata, 
Tobacco, and gold are the symbols of his success. This achievement emphasized the ability of the 
citizens to fulfill his life. This ability is affected by practicing the freedom of economical aspect. It is 
obvious that he uses his freedom effectively to support his life. 
               Elizabeth’s amusement about what he brought proved that the people of England had not
 known about potato and tobacco. It is clear that the setting refers to the condition of England that has
fewer natural resources. It would be suc a good opportunity for England to develop this commodity in 
trade market. As a result, England has an income from this commodity. It is obvious that he does a 
brilliant action since he does not only contribute to himself, but to England in general.  
Another contribution from Sir Walter Raleigh in forming democracy in term of politic is by 
empowering England image. It is done by establishing the colony in the New World (America). 
It is the way to improve power in international world. It is done not only by government but 
the citizen can participate to develop the colony like he did. His activity proves that the citizens
 in England have the freedom to participate in empowering England’s power .It can be seen in
 the script
          I'm just returned from the New
          World, majesty. I have claimed
          the fertile coast in your name,
          and called it Virginia, in honour
          of our Virgin Queen.           
Elizabeth raises her eyebrows.
          Virginia? And if I marry? Will
          you change the name to Conjugia?
A royal joke. Her entourage laughs dutifully.
          I ask for your gracious
          permission, majesty, to return to
          the New World with your royal
          warrant, to found a colony under
          the laws and protections of
          (Page. 22)
The quotation shows the individual freedom of citizen participates in establishing colony. It emphasizes 
the freedom of citizen to participate in foreign politic, in this case England’s empowerment. He realizes 
the important of colony to spread influence of England in the world. The sentence I have claimed the 
fertile coast in your name and called it Virginia, in honor of our virgin Queen indicates his good 
efforts to help England Empire to build an image as the big empire.
               Another participation of Sir Walter Raleigh as the character of the citizen is in term of country 
defense. It can be seen in his involvement in war between England and Spain. It can be caught up in the 
               The same God in whose name Philip
               wages his holy war. Philip is a
               righteous man, and righteous men
               love to destroy. They burn whole
               worlds to make them pure, and
               leave behind - ashes.
               He'll not burn England.
               He may. His Armada is invincible,
               they say. If London falls, I                             
               fall. If England is lost, I am                           
                              Never? It's night. My thoughts
               turn dark. Don't you ever think
                              that one day, perhaps one day
                              soon, you too will die?
              The closer I come to death, the
               more I want to live. The hungrier
               I am for life.
             (Page. 94)
The text shows the strong commitment of Walter Raleigh to participate in war toward Spain. It 
emphasizes the active participation to help England even though he is not warrior or knight. It proves
that the citizens in England use the individual of political right to participate in foreign policy matter like
war. It is obvious that Sir Walter Raleigh practiced democracy by using the freedom participation in 
politic aspect.
               Spanish had invasion planning to England as the willing to unite Europe under one religious, 
in this matter Catholic. It can be seen in the script
              The most powerful ruler in
              Christendom, Philip of Spain, has
              sworn to return all Europe to the
              Catholic faith.
    Images of rival monarchs Philip and Elizabeth in court
    paintings: stiff, formal, imperious.
              Only England stands in his way: a
              weak impoverished nation ruled by
              a woman.
             (Page. 1)
The quotation shows that the setting refers to Spanish statement to invade England. This statement 
stimulates everyone in England. As the citizens, of course he has the spirit of nationalism if the country 
 is attacked. He directly takes an action to participate in making the policy about war. He also 
proposes himself to take a part even though he is not the warrior. It is clear that the attack from 
the outside influences the citizen to participate in defending the country.
            In short, the citizen practices democracy values in term of economy, politic, and country 
defense. It is represented by the character Sir Walter Raleigh. In term of economy, he gets goods 
and gold with his own effort. It proves individual freedom to determine his life in economy aspect. 
The setting refers to England condition which has fewer natural resources. In term of foreign politic, 
he participates in establishing colony. He did it to spread England’s influence in the world. It 
emphasizes the freedom of individual in foreign politic to improve the image of England as the big 
nation. In defending country, he is ready to take a part to fight even though he is not the warrior. It is 
clear that the citizens in England participate in forming democracy.


The film “Elizabeth the Golden Age” (2006) reflects the practices of democracy in England at 16th century. Those practices are represented by the participation of kingdom or monarch, parliament, and the citizen. Each participant gives contribution to form democracy in England. The participation of the monarch is represented by Queen Elizabeth in establishing religious freedom and the freedom of speech. The participation of the parliament is represented by the Member of Parliament itself in discussing public policy and law enforcement. Meanwhile the participation of citizen is represented by Sir Walter Raleigh. He participates in term of economy, foreign politic and country defense.
Elizabeth as the character in this analyses participates in practicing some democracy values in England. Those can be seen in her policy to give the freedom of religion and speech. The freedom of religion is given to citizens and monarchy family. Another participation of democracy, she gives the freedom of speech to parliament related to private and public matters. Parliament’s members as the character participate to form democracy by practicing law enforcement and discussing public policy. In the case of law enforcement, parliament strongly implements the law without hesitation. In discussing public policy, parliament members actively precede in making decision related to foreign policy. They propose ideas, predictions, and strategy to face the problem. The citizen practices democracy values in term of economy, politic, and country defense. It is represented by the character Sir Walter Raleigh. In term of economy, he gets goods and gold with his own effort. It proves individual freedom to determine his life in economy aspect.. In term of foreign politic, he participates in establishing colony. He did it to spread England’s influence in the world. In defending country, he is ready to take a part to fight even though he is not the warrior. It is clear that the citizens in England participate in forming democracy.
England is kingdom country and it is imposible to have democracy as the system, however democracy values were practiced even in 16th century. It can be seen in the participation of three important elements of the country which are Monarchy, parliament, and citizens. Those participants implement the idea of democracy which are freedom and equality. By practicing democracy, England experienced the golden age in 16th century. It is clear that democracy plays an important role to determine the flourihshing of one country.


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Marcy L. North (Author)
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