Sunday, October 26, 2008


The connection between literature and reality has been dicscussed by some of the great literary critics. Some of them sometimes contributed a contradictory conclussions. The great Greek philosopher, Plato was the first person who had a concern to this problem. He viewed a literature as an immitation so that he underestimated it. He argued that the world is not less than a reflection or immitation. If literature is an immitation of the world, it has twice immitation or it is immitation of immitation. It is clearly that literature is far from the truth because it is twice removed.

Plato’s explanation invited a protest from his pupil Aristoteles. Mulluk (1969:5) stated that Aristoteles argued that literature as an immitation is the objective representation of life. The writer uses an imagination to create the work of literature. Through the inspiration of reality, literature is derived from imagination

and imitates the imagination into the work. The writer not only expresses their words about what happen, but it can be about what may happen of things that are possible in the probability and necessity. Moreover, Sir Phillip Shidney in Mulluk (1969: 6) said that literature does not imitate, but creates: it is the reader who imitates what the writer creates.

Literature is not mere imitation of imitation but it can create more than reality. It can explore more deeply into reality and also parody of reality. Deeply exploration can be seen in the way the literature deconstructs or reveals something behind reality more than annalist or historian. Parody is used by the writer to ridicule the reality itself with the power of imagination.

According to Bartaile in Piliang (1998: 137) this world is no more than a parody, all the things that appear is fundamentally a parody about something else. The parody occurs because the difference principle in the language. Everything consists of two things that oppose each other. For instance, black and white and black will make a parody about white and so does the white. This difference system is called binary opposition which was found by structuralist Ferdinand de Seassure (Guerin: 2002). In the drama of “the bomber” we can find that the drama as an art makes a parody about reality.

Parody of reality in this drama script contains an abnormality or something that does not make sense into context of reality. This explores such an inversion and chaos situation. There is no longer limitation and it happens like a common sense to humanity. This situation actually can be related into the thought of postmodernism. The movement of this thought has broken down the border of modernism in some aspects. Vattimo (1988) said that postmodernism is derived from Nietzhe declaration about the death of God and the devaluation of great values. In this case, Nietzhe refused the absolute truth and led him into anti value and anti truth. This happened because the world is full of limitation and obtains the work of human. Postmodernist refuses the universalism that exists for along time. Because of no absolute truth, people now can make the truth (will to power) by themselves without reflecting into another.

Jean Baudrilliard in his book Simulation (1983) commented a parody of reality as a simulation. It is signed with the development of extreme democratization; it gives not only a freedom to choose something but also gives an opportunity to create everything. This condition of course creates many things which have not been found before. By the spirit of democracy, everybody extremely can actuate without the limitations. Simulation gradually will have such a contradiction and confusion in the reality.

Referring to the thought of post-modern and simulation, this drama serves a parody by using those concepts. The situation can be seen in the characters of the drama every character shows their estrangement and do the action as normally. It seems very chaos and gives the impression of hyper-reality

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